Class Schedule
2025 Spring Schedule
Feb 10 - Jun 21, 2025
Class Descriptions
2 - 3 1/2 years old
Discover the joy of movement, expression, and ballet in a nurturing environment. Coordination, strength-building, age-appropriate stretching, rhythm, and classroom manners are taught. Classes are 30 minutes.
Pink leotard
3 1/2 - 5 years old
Stretching exercises on the floor, skipping, hopping, and galloping (chasse) steps and combined with creative dance & folk dance to encourage the joy of movement. Classes are 45 minutes.
Pink leotard
5-6 years old
Building on Creative Movement and Pre Ballet this class offers more technique and structure. Barre exercises and diagonal combinations are begun. Classes are 1 hour.
Purple belt / Pink leotard
Classes at this level are similar to Prep 1, but emphasize more ballet technique and structure, and introduces dancers to longer ballet barre work.
Classes are 1 hour (1-2 classes/week)
White belt / Black leotard
Classes at this level begin with a half hour of exercises at the barre, followed by flexibility exercises and a half hour in the center. The focus is on building strength, technique and expression.
Classes are 1 1/2 hours (2-3 classes/week)
Light blue belt / Black leotard
At this level, many ballet steps are taught in basic form, especially at the barre since coordination, strength, flexibility and development are maturing. Pre-pointe work is begun. Beginning teenagers sometimes start at this level adding private or semi-private lessons to increase advancement.
Classes are 1 1/2 hours (3-4 classes/week). Contemporary Dance is introduced.
Hot pink belt / Black leotard
Dancers at this level begin serious preparation for pointe work and may be ready to go en pointe within the year. Focus is on building strength, flexibility, and stamina. Dancers are notified in writing when they are ready to go en pointe.
Classes are 1 1/2 hours (4-5 classes/week). Contemporary Dance continues.
Royal blue belt / Black leotard
At this level, students devote one-two hours to pointe work each week and attend minimum five ballet classes per week. Strength, flexibility, and stamina increases.
Classes are 1 1/2 hours (5-6 classes/week). Contemporary Dance continues.
Lavender belt / Black leotard
At this level, students devote two or more hours to pointe work and attend minimum six ballet classes per week. Strength, flexibility, and stamina is stressed as fluidity of movement increases and strength builds.
Classes are 1 1/2 hours (6-7 classes/week). Contemporary Dance continues.
Red belt / Black leotard
At this level, students devote two hours minimum to pointe work and attend minimum six ballet classes per week. Pas de deux or variations may also be offered at this level.
Classes are 1 1/2 hours (6-7 classes/week). Contemporary Dance continues.
Periwinkle belt / Black leotard
Contemporary Ballet combines elements and techniques from other styles of ballet - classical, romantic, and neoclassical - as well as other genres of dance - modern and jazz - and creates a more free and fluid dance movement.
In contemporary ballet class students work on conditioning exercises and then focus on their technique in turns, jumps and extensions. There is also an emphasis on learning choreography to work on their artistry and expression.
Classes are 1 hour
Black leotard, pink/black footless tights, black fitted shorts or leggings (optional) and Footies or Ballet Slippers
Progressing Ballet Technique (PBT) is a program of exercises that helps students advance in all dance forms. PBT focuses on core stability, weight placement, and alignment, through ballet-specific exercises. Students utilize fitness balls, mats, and thera-bands in combination with floor work.
Classes are 1 hour
Black leotard, pink/black footless tights, black fitted shorts or leggings (optional). Barefoot or Ballet Slippers.
Conservatory Workshop is a program offered to advanced ballet dancers in levels 5, 6, and 7 to further develop their technique and artistry.
Classes meet an additional 2 times per week and are taught by specialized faculty.